A mix of non diegetic music and diegetic sounds are often used in thrillers to create a eerie, spooky effect. 'The Usual Suspects' uses examples of this. The main opening sequence music; is slow orchestral music, the main instrument used is a violin. Diegetic sounds at the end of the sequence are used to set the scene and bring the audience back to reality.
In the opening sequence to 'Arlington Road' the character introduced at the beginning, is distressed and maybe in trouble, we assume this because his shirt is blood stained. The music in the background highlights a sudden suspense and shows the characters panic. In 'The Usual Suspects' only one character is established at the end of the opening sequence; although he has no lines the dark lighting makes us assume that he could be a dark, evil character.
The Mise-en-scene in the final shot of 'The Usual Suspects' uses fire in the background, often symbolises danger in thrillers. The lighting is also dark, and creates a shadow effect.
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