Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Audience Research Focus Group

These are people in our focus group and their comments on our Genre Moodboard, and ideas.

Lauren Hornabrook - Aged 17

" I like the idea you have of using a family, because its always more traumatic when something happens to a close family in a film. Lots of thrillers use families in them. My favourite genres are Romantic Comedy, Comedy and Horror. ' Typically in Romantic Comedy's there would be two people who meet, fall in love then something happens to rock their relationship but it normally ends happily.  I thought the title sequence of 'The Usual Suspect' made the film look like it would be spooky, but it was a bit boring and repetitive. From the title sequence it looked like fire and water might have something to do with the storyline, the film defiantly is set up to look dark and spooky. "

Emma Parker - Age 19

I liked the moodboard, I thought there was a lot on their that typically represents thrillers. However I was a bit confused by the picture of the dummy, maybe this is supposed to represent children, but there already was a picture of a child. My favourite types of films are chick flicks, thrillers and indie films. In a thriller typically there would be murder, children being kidnapped. I liked the 'Arlington Road' opening sequence I thought it was quirky, I didn't like 'The usual suspects' I thought it was a bit boring and unimaginative. In 'Arlington Road' we are set up to think that the boy is the one of the main characters, so I think the film might have something to do with children"

Richard Emsley - Aged 20

I thought the genre moodboard was effective, it had scary and creepy images. I like to watch horror and thriller films most of the time. Things you would typically see in these genres would be death, supernatural quite a lot of the time ghosts and monsters. In most films there is some kind of superhero character who 'saves the day'. I liked both the opening sequences they were both effective in different ways, but I found 'Arlington Road' more intense and more interesting to watch because the there was lots going on at once. Judging by this opening sequence I think maybe the story is set in a typical American neighbour hood 'gone wrong' or something about it not right or 'normal'.

Holly Adams - Aged 16

"I like the moodboard, there are certain images that really remind me of thriller movies. My favourite film genre's are romantic comedy and horrors. In romantic comedy's the main story is normally a love story and something dramatic happens to break them up. However normally they get back together in the end. I didn't really like either of the clips, none of them really interested me I found' Arlington Road' confusing and 'The usual suspects' boring and uninteresting. I couldn't really tell what was going to happen in either of the films but that they were both going to be a bit creepy and weird."

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