Monday, 3 January 2011

Audience Research: Updates

We showed our focus group our animatic so they could see what our final piece might look like. We wanted to give them the opportunity to make any last comments for improvement before we shoot.

Lauren Hornabrook:
"I can tell that there will be some kind of chase scene, I'm a bit unsure of what is chasing her but i guess that could make me want to see the rest of the film. I love the fact its set in a wood and it's dark and gloomy, you can definitely tell the film will have something dark about it"

Richard Emsley:
"The music fits in really well, especially the last few shots. The music is eerie and its really effective with those shots, it leaves a kind of cliffhanger in opening. It puts a twist on this 'innocent' girl we think we are seeing running away and it looks slightly creepy. I can see the idea of switching back to normality where you see the woman on the sofa, i think this is a good idea and will look a lot clearer when you actually shoot it"

Holly Adams:
" I think you've created a really interesting character, it seems like the film will be kind of twisted. Because not a lot is given away in the opening it makes it seem more exciting. There are places where i think there is a lot of silence and maybe sound could be put there, probably non diegetic. I do think the 'chase' music works really well and you can tell its a chase because the shots start to speed up slightly. However i do this it will look more realistic when its filmed. "

Emma Parker:
"I like the idea of two simultaneous scenes, you can tell by the setting and the lighting that one is dark and one is supposed to be 'normality' The sequence with the close ups of her face is really effective, also shots from a distance make it looks like somethings watching her. Its clear to me that shes running from something that's watching her. I really like the shot of the phone on the floor, its slightly blurry so it looks like shes running away really fast"

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