The details of the cast and crew are often shown when the film actually starts, some films may use the actors name along with a sequence of the character they are playing. The writers and directors are normally specifically mentioned. An indication of place of time is also set, this could be enhanced with the music which could also create a specific mood for the narrative. A particularly effective way of getting the viewers interest; is to use an enigma. Enigmas are unanswered questions which intrigue the viewer, which are often then answered later in the film. Many films use this technique, for example 'London to Brighton'. We are drawn into the drama of 'running away' As an audience we don't know who they are running from and why they are going to Brighton. Enigmas also then set up narrative expectations to what might happen in the rest of the film.
Exposition is another technique often used to tell the viewer more about the character and help set the scene. For example in 'Kick Ass' a voice-over is used throughout the title sequence to provide a running commentary on his life, as an audience we are shown that he is a geeky, average and maybe slightly 'lost' teenager who's oblivious to the opposite sex the mise-en-scene also plays an important part in also telling us this, he is dressed in brightly coloured clothing and wears glasses. The tone and genre of this film is obviously a teen comedy. We know this because of the non dietetic up beat and quirky music. Also in the titles, is a animated sequence gliding through clouds like a super hero. This tells us the film has a childish theme to it and even in the opening titles suggests an idea of superheroes.
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