In completing my preliminary task I have learnt a lot about the process of editing, how to use filming equipment and how to use the relevant software for editing.
Continuity Editing, is the process of editing which enables film to look seamless. Shots are edited to create a invisible effect, this enables the audience to relate to the characters in a emotional way and enjoy the film more. Continuity Editing is now considered normality and used universally in all types of film; if a sequence doesn't have continuity editing then the edits start to become visible to the audience. Because this task was based on continuity editing; it was important that we edited our interview properly. One rule of continuity editing is the 180 degree rule. During a shot reverse shot sequence; the camera should remain on a 180 degree line. This enables the audience to view the characters on the same side each time. For example we always shot Jo from the right so she appeared on the left. We then only shot Amy from the left so she appeared only on the right.
During these shot reverse shots we made sure that we had eye line match between the two speakers. To make 'walk in' continuous we filmed a panning shot of Amy walking towards the door then a cut in to a match on action shot of Amy pulling the door handle.
Before filming, we had to plan a storyboard of the different types of shot we wanted to use. We then used a SLR Camera to to take photos of the shot types we wanted. For example we took two photos to show our first panning shot. We then uploaded our photos and created a photo storyboard on Photoshop. We found this camera simple to use once we established the different buttons. However we only needed the capture button at this stage. I felt we were fairly organsised. We took out picture fairly quick and effiently. However we could have made our sketched storyboard more detailed. Also we should have made sure we knew clearly which drive to save our work in. One problem we had at this stage was that after completing our storyboard; we saved it in the wrong drive. This meant when we logged back on next lesson, we lost our storyboard and all our pictures. We decided that the best solution to this would be using the still images from our filming, we would re-create our storyboard at a later date.
The challenge for us came when we were introduced to the digital cameras. We had never used one before, so it took us a while to figure out how to operate it; also what exactly we had to do to use the tripod. However it didn't take us long to feel confident using the equipment. Before filming we set up the tripod in the hall area and made sure it was level. We then clipped on the camera and took a few practices at panning it round so we got a smooth shot. We made sur we left two seconds inbetween each peice of dialogue so when it came to editing we did not have any cut off speech. Also we figured out how to use the zoom button so we could film our extreme close up shot.
We uploaded out footage by plugging in our digital camera to the computer and loading up 'Adobe OnLocation'. We then played out interview and recorded the clips we wanted to keep onto the computer. We found it challenging to record the clips at the right time, without cutting off the dialogue. The next stage was creating our sequence, the software we used for this was 'Adobe Premier'. Both pieces of software were new to us, therefore it took us time to understand how to use the appropriate tools. We exported our clips into 'Adobe Premier' and used the cut tool to erase any pauses or anything that would affect the continous flow or out sequence. We did find a problem in the fact that our cut away shot of the canteen was pixilated this resulted in us only using the first part of this shot. On its own this was not very effective, we were advised to slow down the shot down instead. Another problem we had was that part of our shot had a sharp beeping noise on it. We removed this by moving keyframes down and muting the noise.
After finishing editing our sequence we then created a 'YouTube' account and uploaded our video onto there. We the took the HTML and posted onto our blog. Overall i am please with our end result, taking in to consideration this was the first time we had used any of the equipment or software. I believe that our sequence has sucessfully demonstrated conituity editing. We did find this task challlenging, at one point our software constantly crashed and multiple times we lost work, however we have learnt a lot from this experience. Blogger has helped keep our work organised and in chronological order. It is very easy to update and work is unlikely to get lost.