Monday, 27 September 2010

Continuity Editing

Continuity editing is the editing shots so that appear seamless. This is used to make the sequence more realistic and the audience should not feel they are watching TV. The shot cuts should not be noticable. The flow of shots should be continuous; this should help the audience feel more emersed in the programme and feel more empathy for the characters. The key elements of continuity editing are: 180 degree rule, match on action, 30 degree rul, eye-line match, establishign shot, shot-reverse shot and cutting on action.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Preliminary Task Video Production

My Preliminary excercise will be creating a short sequence incuding: Filiming, editing, a character opening a door and sitting down on a chair opposite another character and dialogue. I will also include a 'cut in' and 'cut away' shot, match on action, shot/reverseshot and 180-degree rule.


This is my blog for AS Media Studies. Here i will post my work for my preliminary and main task.